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Ritorna l’appuntamento con l’Europa. L’associazione culturale Su Palatu_Fotografia promuove la quarta edizione di Menotrentuno, rassegna fotografica internazionale dedicata a giovani professionisti dell’immagine, rigorosamente scelti sotto i 31 anni di età. Tema di quest'anno la Memoria.


The cultural association SuPalatu_Fotografia promotes the 5th edition of the international photographic Festival for European photographer under 31 years Menotrentuno. In the past editions we approached themes such as: in 2006 “The tourism revolution”, in 2008 “The Ecstasy of Youth”, in 2011 “Young Violence” and in 2014 “Memory”. This year, the topic of investigation is “Terramadre – Homeland”, a complex concept which is difficult to translate in one word. In some places it is often attached to nationalistic events or related to the Risorgimento. Every language confers to this word a very precise meaning, and it takes different cultural tones through translation. How much “Homeland” does a young person need? The photographic festival is developed through this question. The 2016 edition is structured through 15 exhibitions spread out in different villages and locations of the island, tracing a “photographic map” which embrace the entire Sardinian region. The program of the festival is enriched by an off-circuit named A.banda that goes along with the main program. The A.banda photographers are from various age groups and they exhibit works on different topics. Furthermore, thanks to the synergy with the Arzachena winery “Vigne Surrau”, a selection of the works showed in the festival, will be exhibited in the prestigious spaces of the Italian Institute of Culture in London in November 2016.